Customer Success

Streamline customer onboarding and adoption

Maximize CS team efficiency, and get customers to value faster by improving onboarding and time to live.

Get Customers to Value Faster

Onboarding & Implementation

A Frictionless Experience

Give your customers a clear path to a successful launch with resources, clear timelines, next steps, and goals all in a centralized workspace.

Quick Account Activation

Seamless Sales-CS Handoff

Get your customers activated and to value quickly with a transparent roadmap of the entire sales and onboarding process. Say goodbye to lost context on a deal, and ensure execution excellence. 

Increase CSMs Efficiency

Standardize Processes and Drive Productivity

Build repeatable onboarding playbooks by product, segment, or geography that CSMs can follow for increased efficiency, accelerated time to live, and a professional onboarding experience for every customer.

See how 100s of revenue teams are driving CS team efficiency with Accord

"Accord is so intuitive and the UI is very easy to work with. When customers logged into Accord they were immediately checking off steps. They were even writing comments in the steps, and asking us questions. This was great because CSMs could go research the answer, and get back to them async, which is super efficient."
Eman Abdel-Latif
Director of CS at Mosaic

Translate your Strategy to Execution on the Field.